The IONLAB Program Mission Statement

A Guidance, Navigation and Control Research and Training Program at the Department of Aerospace Vehicles Design and Control (DCAS) at ISAE-SUPAERO. We are part of the Decision and Control Research Group, and we develop methodologies to tackle complex control problems by tightly coupling subsystems through an interdisciplinary lens.

The IONLAB default project execution pipeline (i.e., professor-driven problem definition, student design proposal, technical reviews from SUPAERO technical teams, and student-driven hands-on implementation in Fablab) promotes the integration of students, professors, engineers, and technicians in novel ways. Finally, the hands-on dimension of the IONLAB projects aims to break the white-collar-blue-collar structure commonly seen in companies and promotes passionate craftsmanship.

Research Areas

The IONLAB Program in Numbers

IONLAB Highlights

Featured Journal Publication

LUSTOSA L.R., KOLMANOVSKY I., CESNIK C.E.S., VETRANO, F., Aided inertial estimation of wing shape. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 44, no. 2, 2021, pp. 210-219. 📜

Featured Conference Publication

MURALI K., PONCE-MORENO E., LUSTOSA, L.R., Flight validation of a global singularity-free aerodynamic model for flight control of tail sitters. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2024. (Accepted, to be presented.)

Opportunities and Open Positions

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